Wellbeing Walks - Out the office into nature. Unleash the power of your team with invigorating and personalised events, with nature at the heart of the design. We take your team out of the office.
Sound Baths & Meditation

Sound baths are immersive experiences that use the vibrations of gongs and sound bowls to promote relaxation and well-being.

During the gong bath, you lie or sit comfortably in a group setting while our practitioner plays various gongs that produce deep, resonant sounds that wash over you, creating a meditative soundscape. The gong vibrations are thought to promote relaxation by stimulating the vagus nerve, which helps lower stress hormones and heart rate.

The deep relaxation from a sound bath can carry over and improve your sleep quality and he meditative state induced by the gongs can enhance focus and spark creative thinking.

Have a read of this great blog by Calm to find out more.

We can build a 45-60 minute sound bath into the event after the walk on day one or the following day. You might also be interested in a Yoga session.

Check out our mindfulness partners who come and deliver these great sound baths and yoga experiences with us : The Wellness Webb. 

Other Options

Wellbeing Walks - Out the office into nature. Unleash the power of your team with invigorating and personalised events, with nature at the heart of the design. We take your team out of the office.