Wellbeing Walks - Out the office into nature. Unleash the power of your team with invigorating and personalised events, with nature at the heart of the design. We take your team out of the office.

Terms and Conditions

First and foremost, we want everyone on our events to have a fantastic time, but it’s important to have terms and conditions and they are also for your protection. We want you to be safe, informed, prepared and aware of your responsibilities when it comes to group activities.

If anything is unclear or you would like to talk them through with us the please contact us at support@wellbeingwalk.co.uk. It is important to bear in mind these relate to all events, whether they are one-, two- or three-day events or include overnight accommodation.

Before you make a booking, please read through these Terms and Conditions.


Wellbeing Walks” – Private Limited Company: Registration number 15509973
Client” – means the organisation whose employees are attending the Event. References to and the obligations of the Client apply to all group members and guests
“Organiser” means person that has signed the booking form on behalf of the Client.
Contract” – means the agreed Event as detailed in the Booking Confirmation and incorporating these Terms and Conditions.
Booking Confirmation” – means the confirmation receipt provided by us to the Organiser on making a booking with us by paying the appropriate deposit.
Guests” – means only those persons included on the signed Booking Confirmation received at the time of booking, sometimes including the “Organiser”.
Supplier” – means the recognised contracted party or Wellbeing Walks partner’s used to fulfil an activity, venue or service of the Event.
Itinerary” – means a list of suggested activities, accommodation and or other associated services, together with relevant pricing details.
Event” – means the selected activities and or entertainment and or accommodation and or transport services and or other services as detailed in the Itinerary
“Walk Leaders” means the Directors, Employees or Volunteers who lead and facilitate the Events.

Wellbeing Walks reserves the right, at any time before a Contract is accepted or deemed to be accepted by the Client, to withdraw or change these conditions. The conditions herein are accepted by the Client to the exclusion of any previous terms and conditions, written or otherwise. In respect of any timely alterations to the terms please check when booking that the guidance details the latest terms & conditions on our website.

When you book with us you accept to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein. Where the Organiser makes a group booking for all participants within the group agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

  1. Payment Terms

1.0 Deposit Payment

The Client must pay a deposit to confirm their commitment to pay for the intended Event.

Once we have received your deposit your booking is accepted. Wellbeing Walks will supply to the Client an agreed Itinerary when the booking is confirmed.

The Contract is made when Wellbeing Walks confirms the Itinerary with details of the agreed Event and at the point the deposit receipt is issued.

The Client must check carefully to ensure the Itinerary matches exactly with the details of the booking intended to be made by the Client.

Please note that the Event will be rejected and treated as cancelled if payment is not forthcoming as per agreed payment schedule.

1.1 Balance of Payment

The final balance payment is due 30 days prior to your Event. This is to enable the preparation and pre-payment for activities, walk leaders employees, chefs, hotel deposits and sourcing wellbeing partners.

Wellbeing Walks will not be liable for any matters arising out of delay in payment by the Client.

If full payment is not received by the due date we reserve the right to cancel your booking without any refund of the initial deposit. Failure to make payment on the due dates will entitle Wellbeing Walks to cancel the Contract without penalty and to treat such failure as a cancellation by the Client.

1.2 Pricing

The price of the Event and the basis on which it is calculated is contained in the Itinerary.

The price is per Guest.

The Client accepts responsibility for paying for all the Guests.

Wellbeing Walks reserves the right not to provide the Event or any part thereof until it has received sufficient funds from the Client.

The Client accepts that pricing and availability may expire over time.

All monies referred to are in pounds sterling and inclusive of any additional charges unless otherwise stated.

Unless otherwise stated on the Itinerary the payment does not include the cost of drinks, food, admission, parking charges, concierge or porterage charges, fees, corkage charges, contributions and / or any other items that are not directly referred to on the Booking Confirmation.

Suppliers of the services ( Hotel Accommodation) may require the Client or the Guests to leave a credit card imprint and / or details on checking in to accommodation.

Some Accommodation may require deposits for breakage or damage to property. Wellbeing Walks will pay this deposit, however this may be charged to the Client, in the Event their Guests are negligent.

The Client accepts that Wellbeing Walks may not be on-site for the whole Event and therefore not witness to any damage and the Guests must inform the Walk Leaders before they leave. Any disputes must be addressed in a timely manner and prompt payment made by the Client to Wellbeing Walks for any deposit payment taken. Wellbeing Walks will investigate the matter, however we will not accept financial liability for any loss or any associated expenses thereof.

If additional cleaning is required after vacating the premises the Client will be required to pay for that cleaning charge before leaving the premises directly to the Supplier. If the state of or damage to the property is to such an extent that the property cannot be let the Client will have to cover the cost of lost bookings. If necessary the Client will also have to cover the cost of alternate accommodation for guests that would have been staying in the property.

Costs incurred due to an evacuation, rescue or other emergency event shall be the responsibility of the Guest.

2.0 Alterations or changes to Events

2.1 Minor Changes

The Event may require minor changes to be made. Wellbeing Walks reserves the right to implement these changes and will endeavour to notify the Client of any such changes before commencement of the Event.

A minor change will be deemed to be any change which could not reasonably expect to have a significant effect on the confirmed Event. In the Wellbeing Walks of minor changes no compensation is payable by us nor do such changes entitle the Client to cancel the Event or request an alternative Event. An example of a minor change could be a last minute change in the menu or a new venue of a similar standard.

Although we adhere to planned Itineraries wherever possible, minor changes may occur due to external factors beyond our control. In particular, the person leading the Event has the discretion to alter programmes at any time in the interests of client safety or that of the best interests of the wider group. In the event that minor changes are made to the Itinerary any extra costs will be met by Wellbeing Walks.

2.2 Major Changes

In the event that there are significant changes to the Event prior to the commencement date of the Event, Wellbeing Walks reserves the right to implement the changes and will as soon as is reasonably practical endeavour to notify the Client.

In these circumstances the Client may accept the change and if applicable a refund of the difference in price between the price of the Event purchased and that of the substitute Event offered by Wellbeing Walks.

If the Client doesn’t accept the change then Wellbeing Walks where possible will endeavour to offer an alternative Event or activity from the range of available services offered by Wellbeing Walks. Wellbeing Walks will provide the Client with an alternative of the same or higher standard in the same or a similar area.

Significant changes to the Event will include the following:
• A change of accommodation to that of a significantly lower standard for the whole or a major part of the Event
• The cancellation of a significant activity or service forming part of the Event
• A substantial change to the price contained in the Booking Confirmation.

The Client will have no right to cancel the Event if Wellbeing Walks have offered the Client a suitable alternative.

2.3 Event Cancellation by Wellbeing Walks

We will not normally cancel an Event less than 30 days before it is set to begin, except where necessary due to Force Majeure.

If we have to cancel an Event for any reason, we will offer you the opportunity to re-book on a different date.

If we cancel an Event we will not be liable for any expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking, or in the expectation of the activity taking place.

Cancellation or changes may be made at any time when safety conditions compromised. If cancellations occur in such circumstances Wellbeing Walks or its Suppliers will endeavour to make every effort to reschedule in line with Client requirements.

We do not accept liability for the consequences of the following : strikes, riots, acts of war or terrorism, disease outbreaks, local authority disputes, health emergencies, transportation issues, venue/accommodation issues, government intervention, natural disasters, adverse/unusual weather conditions, unforeseen technical failures, power outages,  equipment malfunctions, changes in laws or regulations that may affect the legality or feasibility of the Event, cybersecurity breaches, vandalism, sabotage, utility blackouts, cyber warfare, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, flood, shortage of water, epidemics, or medical emergency.

If such occurrences cause us to have to cancel an Event we will endeavour to offer an alternative, but accept no liability for return of fees paid prior to cancellation or curtailment.

No compensation is payable if the Event is cancelled in whole or part due to an insufficient number of people required to make available the activity or service forming part of the Event. For the avoidance of doubt unless otherwise agreed in writing the minimum number required will be six guests.

2.4 Event cancellation by the Client

If the Client wishes to make any alteration to the Event or wishes to cancel the Event, the Client must notify Wellbeing Walks in writing as soon as is reasonably practical.

All amendment and/or cancellation requests will be confirmed back to the Client in writing. Verbal alternations and/or cancellations to the Event will not be accepted.

Wellbeing Walks may offer a ‘Deposit Guarantee’ to the Organiser.  Please note the offer of the guarantee must be made in writing by Wellbeing Walks. In this instance the original deposit paid by the Client will be held open for the remainder of the calendar year and may be used to book another Wellbeing Walks Event provided it has a start date in that same year, subject to availability.

The cancellation charges set below will apply if the Event is cancelled by the Client but cancellation will only be effective from the date that the completed cancellation is received in writing by Wellbeing Walks.

Should you need to cancel your group’s attendance at an event within 60 days the deposit is refundable in most circumstances.

If you cancel the event within 40 days of the Event, then some or all of the deposit will be non-refundable and non-transferable.

They are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of any circumstances be it medical or otherwise.

This is because Wellbeing Walks may have to pay non-refundable deposits has for accommodation and other services leaving Wellbeing Walks at a detriment.

If the Guests arrives at any part of the Event with an increased number of persons to those detailed on the booking form, Wellbeing Walks’ responsibility to the Guests and or the Event will no longer apply. In this instance Wellbeing Walks and or its Suppliers also reserve the right to cancel or consider cancelled the Event in part or whole if there are safety concerns. If the Event was able to go ahead then the additional charge per head would be invoiced to the Client.

3.0 Insurance

3.1 General Liability Insurance

Wellbeing Walks has General Liability Insurance. It covers financial losses resulting from claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by business operations, products, or services. The insurance covers:

Bodily Injury: This covers medical expenses and other costs associated with injuries sustained by a third party (Guests) due to your Wellbeing Walks activities. For example, if a participant on an Event and had a fall the liability insurance would help cover their medical bills.

Property Damage: If Wellbeing Walks accidentally damages someone else’s property during the Event. For example if a Guest’s backpack accidentally snags and breaks a shop window while on the walk; this insurance could help cover the repair costs.

Personal Injury (not bodily): The insurance covers claims of personal injury that don’t involve physical harm. This could include libel, slander, or invasion of privacy.

3.2 Professional Indemnity Insurance

Wellbeing Walks has full Professional indemnity (PI) insurance that covers financial losses if which could result from negligence, errors, or omissions in the professional services. It includes cover for Financial Loss Claims, Negligence, Errors or Omissions and Breach of Contract and Defense Costs.

4.0 Personal Risk

In choosing to undertake activities in an outdoor environment you accept that these activities may pose a danger of personal injury or even death. All Clients and Guests must be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement in such activities. We are unable to accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any client equipment or luggage.

4.1 Duty of Care

By booking you agree to abide by instructions and decisions made by us. Any individual contravening the decisions or advice of the person leading the trip, or undertaking independent activities not authorised during the activity, relinquishes the protection and duty of care of the person leading the activity.

4.2 Medical

Some of the activities provided by Wellbeing Walks as part of Event require an element of physical activity on the part of the Guests.

The Client will ensure that all members of the Guests are over 18 years of age and physically able to take part in the Event.

The Client must give prior notification to Wellbeing Walks in writing of any special requests (for example, special facilities for disabled people, dietary requirements, allergies, medical conditions) which any of the Guests have so that Wellbeing Walks is able to make arrangements, as far as reasonably possible, to cater for them.

The Organiser is responsible for the accuracy of information supplied.

By booking an Event the Guests must attest to being in good medical health and able to participate in the chosen activity. Wellbeing Walks will send out a confidential medical form and disclaimer that will be issued to all Guests by the Organiser prior to the Event and we will not be able to accommodate a Guest without this. This form will also include Guest mobile phone numbers and emergency contact details that must be provided by every Guest.

If the Client or Organiser has any doubts or concerns regarding any Guests’ participation in the Event these issues must be raised in writing at the time of booking. (for example age, pregnancy, asthma, high blood pressure, heart conditions, vertigo). Wellbeing Walks will not hold itself liable in such situations, however, will do its upmost to be inclusive.

5.0 Publicity & Photography

All information contained within the Wellbeing Walks website, or in social media posts and other publicity is for guidance only. Whilst making every effort to ensure accuracy, we cannot be responsible for any inaccuracies or alterations beyond our control.

While participating in the group activities, your photograph or videos of you may be taken and posted on our website or social media. It is your responsibility to inform us/others if you do not wish to be photographed and inform us if any of your photos are to be removed from our website or social media.

6.0 Communication

It will be essential that we keep in contact regularly with the Organiser but also on the Event itself.

We will ask for all Guests for their mobile telephone number and invite them to a WhatsApp Group. This will remain in place for the duration of the Event and will be used to keep everyone updated on timings and if required for safety during the Event.

Following the supply of Client contact details, including e-mail and postal address, Wellbeing Walks’ e-mails and outbound communications will be deemed to be received and Wellbeing Walks cannot be held responsible for the failure of the Client to check / read / communicate their received information.

7.0 Our Trusted Partners

We have researched to the best of our ability the practice of the providers of activities, accommodation and transport we utilise.

In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, accident or event due to the actions of a third party we shall not be held liable.

Our Third Party Providers have the appropriate insurances and Wellbeing Walks requests yearly evidence of this.

8.0 Guest Responsibilities

Guest Management – It is the Organiser’s responsibility to ensure that Guests are aware of their responsibilities.

Guidance provided in the safety briefing on the day and issued by email to the Organiser in advance of the Event.

Guests must come suitably prepared with the right equipment (from the KIT list provided prior to the Wellbeing Walks).

Guests must not drink alcohol or be under the influence of any substance before the walking or other activities.

You must arrive and depart on time and behave properly. Guests must endeavour to comply with all activity timetables of the Event. Failure to keep to the timetables may result in either discontinuation of the activity or cancellation of the Event; in either case Wellbeing Walks will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any other costs that may be incurred.

You do not have the right to abuse or mistreat the hospitality. If this occurs then you leave us with no choice other than cancelling the Event automatically.

Wellbeing Walks will not be held liable in any travel and health insurance claims by Clients.

The Guests must act at all times in a safe, responsible and courteous manner; comply with all safety procedures (for the avoidance of doubt this includes an appropriate level of sobriety) listen and be present at all safety and information briefings relevant to the Event.

Guests must make Walk Leaders (or any person in authority) immediately aware of any personnel, equipment, site deficiencies or concerns.

Guests must observe and obey all laws, guidance, advisements, requests (including the signing of the disclaimer) and conditions of use of any Supplier, including accommodation and entertainment venues.

Wellbeing Walks are not liable for any loss arising from Guests not fulfilling your obligations.

Wellbeing Walks by itself or its Suppliers reserve the right to cancel or end the Event with immediate effect at any stage, with no liability of reimbursement, if the behaviour of the Guests or that of any person associated with the Guests is likely in the opinion of Wellbeing Walks or its Suppliers to cause distress, loss and damage to property, danger to or to annoy, and or offend other Clients, customers, guests or other members of the Guests, employees, general public, property or anyone else.

If a Guest is found to be behaving in a way that results in affecting the Event performance and enjoyment / experience of other Guests, the Guest may be required to leave the premises with immediate effect. If this is the case the Client will immediately forfeit all costs and any right to compensation for that Guest, whether or not the Event has been completed.

If the person in authority reasonably believes a Guest appears to be unfit to travel or likely to cause discomfort to or disturb other Guests, Wellbeing Walks will not be liable to complete the Event arrangements, and the Client will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any other costs incurred.

Failure of the Guests to quickly and fully settle outstanding expenses may result in criminal charges being brought against the Guests by the Supplier and or Wellbeing Walks, and or any external organisation for the purpose of pursuing these damages.

9.0 Complaints

If there are any complaints about the Event these must be communicated immediately to Wellbeing Walks who will endeavour to put things right to avoid it from ruining any part of the Event.

It is strongly recommended that you communicate any complaint directly to the Walk Leader whilst at the Event.

If the matter is still not resolved at the Event then it will be considered after completion of the Event, the Organiser must inform their Wellbeing Walks in writing. A detailed description of the complaint will need to be provided, accompanied by any supporting evidence. Wellbeing Walks will endeavour to resolve all complaints within a 28-day period for satisfactory.

All communication relating to any complaint must be dealt with by the Organiser. No other party has authority to deal with any complaints or matter relating to the booking other than the Organiser, and all communications by Wellbeing Walks relating to that complaint that be communicated solely to the Organiser.

  1. About the Terms & Conditions

If any of these terms or conditions are unenforceable for any reason, but would be enforceable if some of its wording were deleted or amended, it shall apply with such deletions or amendments as are necessary to make it enforceable.

No amendment or variation to the contract or conditions shall be effective unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.

Should you have cause to, unless otherwise agreed in writing you agree to bring any claim (including one in negligence) in connection with the Event only against Wellbeing Walks Ltd and not against any individual within Wellbeing Walks.

The Event and any contract between the Client and Wellbeing Walks and any dispute arising from it, whether contractual or non contractual, will be construed and governed by English law and be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts, you may however, choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you were residentially based there at the time of booking and wish to do so.

Entire agreement – The Contract forms the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the services. It supersedes any earlier contracts, agreements, representations or discussions in place. No party is liable to pay any other party (whether for negligence or otherwise) for a representation that is not in the agreement.

Rights of third parties – a person or representative who is not party to the agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (as may be amended) to enforce any terms of the agreement.

Wellbeing Walks does not accept liability in the following circumstances:

• If the Guests are at fault, which will include any losses or damage attributable to or resulting from a failure on the part of any Guests member to abide by these terms and conditions.
• Any failure by any Guests member to observe safety instructions and Event guidelines.
• Any failure by any Guests member to observe schedules and advised timekeeping.
• Any failure which is the fault of someone else not connected with providing services, which make up the agreed Event.
• Any change in the Event as instructed directly to any Suppliers or Services by the Client post confirmation without Wellbeing Walks’s written acknowledgement of change, including change in numbers, format or details of the Guests.
• Any unusual or unexpected circumstances beyond the control of Wellbeing Walks or its Suppliers even if they had used all due care, however could not foresee or forestall.
way of any third party proceedings


This policy was last updated in March 2024